
This summer has been especially busy, as I have spent almost every week it seems, travelling and exploring different parts of the island. This is something I started manifesting into my life back in February, by May it looked like it would be happening soon. First camping trip to celebrate my favourite little one’s 4th birthday. I was camping mostly around the central area and more recently finally made it all the way to the northern tip of the island! Some place I had always wanted to explore. After a combined almost 10 years living here, I can now say I’ve explored the north, east, west and south points of this beautiful place, where I am lucky to call home.

Having a business that is completely online, gives me the opportunities to just pack up and go, teaching classes outdoors and meeting with my coaching clients from anywhere on the road via Zoom. Incredibly fun during the summer months, then back to indoor classes once the rain comes. So I will continue to enjoy this while I still can. I don’t think my equipment would like the rain!

There are so many inexpensive or completely free apps you can use to start an online business. It can be as easy as having a Facebook business page, where you can promote your product or services or starting an Instagram account. It doesn’t matter what you use, it matters what energy is behind it and that you are having fun! Just choose one and give it a go. There are lots of creative ways you can promote, you don’t have to do them all, just do what you feel comfortable with. And remember most importantly have fun!

That being said it comes with it’s own challenges as well. There is a lot of tech involved with running a business online and for those, like me, that don’t consider themselves very tech savvy, it can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming!

Luckily, I have spent almost 27 years (WTF! - just had to do the math on that one), working with various custom software/programs, teaching and coaching others for the majority of that time in various roles over the years. The great thing about teaching others, is your skills continue to grow and evolve. I’ve been able to teach myself a lot of the things I needed to learn. And if I couldn’t figure it out, YouTube was my best friend. Though I still often forget that!

During those moments where I just wanted to give up, (and trust me there were plenty), I was able to notice more quickly, the negative thoughts and feelings that were starting to come up. This is your EGO speaking, it’s job is to try and keep you safe. It tells you things to prevent you from doing them. This is just a test to see how easily and quickly you will talk yourself out of doing something. If you REALLY wanted to make your dreams come true, you would do anything in your power to make that happen and believe that it will. That’s the way the universe works with manifestation.

If you ever need to know the difference between your EGO speaking and your heart, ask yourself this: Does this thought cause me fear and self-doubt? Or even simpler, Does this make me feel bad in any way physically, mentally or emotionally? If the answer is yes, then it’s EGO.

If the thought makes you feel good, then that’s listening to your heart. Your body knows when you are in alignment with your desires, one of the ways to let you know that you are following your map, is to give you those good feelings! Only you will know what feels good or bad to you by just focusing on your breath and see what comes up for you. If you don’t know how to do that, keep reading all the way to the end.

I knew when I was overwhelmed, that I needed to do something different and step away. That’s when my own practice became so much more important. I made sure that I did ANYthing that was going to shift my mindset and move the stagnant energy within my body. As simple as breathing deeply or going for a walk or hike can do wonders for improving your thoughts and creating new energy that will start to shift how you feel physically and mentally.

If you would like to learn more about these different modalities, then I encourage you to sign up for my upcoming 3-part online workshop, which will be held August 31st, September 2nd and 7th @ 10am PDT. I’ll spend 30 minutes each day teaching you various tools and techniques that I use to bring you from a place of chaos to calm in the matter of minutes. As my coaching clients are all online business owners in the health & wellness industry, we are often referred to as Soulpreneurs.

As I am a sole-proprietor and currently run my business solo, I chose to use the name Soulopreneurs to connect with those that vibe with that name. Whether that term resonates with you or not, it also doesn’t matter whether you are self-employed or not, you might have your own side business or possibly intend to run one or maybe even dreaming about it a little, everyone is welcome! As long as you have an interest in learning simple techniques that will leave you feeling pretty amazing.

If you can’t attend live, no worries! This will be recorded and the replays will be available for a limited time. For more details or to register click the link below.

San Josef Bay, Cape Scott Provincial Park

San Josef Bay, Cape Scott Provincial Park



I was sitting on the stoop watching all that sun shining.
— Royal Canoe