Deep Healing & Self-Care For Soulopreneurs Workshop

Deep Healing

Two weeks ago, I went through a deep healing process with a mentor of mine to clear a traumatic experience I had when I was younger. She took me through a very powerful meditation, where I had a huge revelation of how this trauma has affected many different areas of my life. It was extremely emotional yet freeing at the same time. I had a lot of memories come up, during and after, that needed to be released.

It was a bit of a strange week as I began to fully understand how much that trauma was still affecting me, but once all those memories surfaced, then I was able to release that pain and started feeling much lighter. I've spent the last 20 years learning various holistic approaches to healing from within. So I am always open and excited when I get a chance to discover another new way to heal on a deeper level.

Self-Care For Soulopreneurs Workshop

Last year, I realized that I wanted to help entrepreneurs starting their own online businesses, learn the self-care techniques that are a must in order to let go of the fears, self-doubt and limiting beliefs. This affects all of us, whether a business owner or not, this comes up for everybody. I am excited to host my latest 3-part workshop, 'Self-Care For Soulopreneurs' June 10, 15, & 17th. It will be a live virtual workshop in my new FB group.

The path to growing your heart-centered business is not all filled with roses and butterflies.

You will face obstacles, and you will have lots to learn and change as you grow. But neither does it have to be a tumultuous whirlwind of chaos, overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, stress-induced headaches and recurring burnouts.

Don’t let anxiety and overwhelm take you away from the joy of creating your own heart-centered business.
Don’t let stress and self-doubt bring you out of alignment as you work towards living your purpose.

Reclaim your calm so you can truly enjoy each minute of your solopreneur journey.

Join me in a FREE 3-part Online Workshop, designed to teach you 4 quick & simple self-care techniques that you can use to re-center and ground yourself INSTANTLY.

Sign Up Now for the ‘Self Care for Soulopreneurs’ Series.
June 10th, 15th & 17th (12-1230PM PDT)

PS: There are limited slots available, so sign up today to reserve your spot on the link below to join my FB group. There will be a recording of each live in the FB group.
