Things Are Changing Over Here!

But change is good...right?! If you've been reading my newsletters for awhile, you know that 2019 was a crazy busy and challenging year for me. I took an intense business/marketing course to learn how to take my Yoga biz online. Which was something I had wanted to do for years, yet I didn't feel I had the knowledge or confidence to accomplish this. In fact, I've since realized it was just fear and listening to my own limiting beliefs that stopped me. Wow did that course bring up a lot for me, mentally, emotionally and physically but I persevered! 

The only reason I made it through is because I had to continuously remind myself of my own self-care, whether jumping on my mat for a quick Yoga or meditation break or simply closing my eyes and focusing on my breath. As things got crazy, when I got overwhelmed and stressed or my fears would come up and cause me to become anxious, I would have to stop and do something for myself right away to get out of that head space.  It's not easy, there was a time that I didn't know how to get myself out of those moments. Thankfully at this point in my life, I have so many techniques to turn to when I find myself in stressful situations, that the hardest part is remembering to try one! I've gotten better at it for sure and much quicker to realize when I need to take that time for myself.  

One of these amazing tools is called EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique.  I've been practicing this for about 9 years and always had it in the back of my mind, that one day I would get my certification. As I used this technique more than ever over the last year to help me through all the challenges I was facing, I decided it was finally time and as of earlier this month, I am happy to report that I am now certified and offering sessions online! You can check out the “Online Offerings” on the top right hand corner of this page to learn more.

I’ve been asked to continue leading the hiking group this year. I’ll be doing two a week starting next month! I’m loving these hikes, nothing better than being one with nature! Here’s a couple pictures from our hike last week at Colliery Dam.

Colliery Dam

Colliery Dam

Waterfall @ Colliery Dam

Waterfall @ Colliery Dam