Living A Lie

After looking forward to beautiful weather filled with my favourite summer activities, this month so far has been an emotional roller coaster. I received some unexpected news, that has left me completely shocked and in a state of warped reality. Nothing feels real anymore. It has felt like I've been stuck in a bad dream, unable to wake up, going about my daily routines in this weird dream-like state. In the blink of an eye, everything has changed. 

I realized many years ago that my life, for as long as I can remember, has always gone through these two year cycles. Where suddenly a major event occurs and my life goes in a completely different direction.  After all this time, I've grown accustomed to this and although the initial shock can still hit me like a ton of bricks, I've learned, especially in these last 10 years, how to quickly adapt to the changes and what I need to do for myself to get through it.  This month marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of the next. I wonder what 2019 has in store for me!

Since I've been waking up with the birds, I started a Sunrise Yoga practice on my patio.  It has become my peaceful place of solitude, surrounded by my (first) garden, where I focus on breathing deeply and healing from within.  I've been meditating on all my feelings, tapping thru my emotions, while putting the spotlight on my passions and uncovering more of my purpose.

I am grateful to have so many amazing modalities in my tool box to get me through these times. I have incorporated Reiki and EFT (tapping) techniques in my daily Yoga practice, helping each day get a little bit easier.  About 5 years ago, I created a Tapping meditation, combining some of the Reiki principles and shared this with my clients. It feels like a good time to share it again.  There is no wrong way to tap. I prefer to alternate sides but you can choose one side to tap on or tap on both sides at once and you can tap for as long as you like with two or three fingers.  I'd recommend going through the below tapping script for at least several rounds. Starting off with 3 deep breaths and once you have completed your last round, take another deep breath and see how you feel.  

Here is a diagram of the tapping meridian points: 


Eyebrow point: Just for today, I let go of all worries.

Side of eye:  Just for today, I let go of all fear.

Under eye:  Just for today, I let go of all anger. 

Under nose:  Just for today, I show compassion to myself and others.

Chin:  Just for today, I live and love honestly.

Collarbone:  Just for today, I am thankful for my friends and family.

Under arm: Just for today, I am grateful for my many gifts and blessings.

Top of head:  Just for today, I let go of all tension in my body.

Hope you enjoy it! Would love to hear from you if you give it a try!  

I still feel like I am stuck in a dream but I know that will fade too. 

"I'm living a lie, it's getting harder to tell, I've tried and I've tried to wake up" - Royal Canoe


Sunset Hike 

Sunset Hike